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Product picture  Raman optic system for single use side view aiming down and right

Raman optic system for single use

Ensure sterility and reliability for single-use biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing

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15 dokumentit
    • Tekniset tiedot (TI)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Technical Information

    • Tekniset tiedot (TI)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL),
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Tekniset tiedot (TI)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Technical Information

    • Tekniset tiedot (TI)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Käyttöohje (BA)

    Accessory optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Operating Instructions

    • Käyttöohje (BA)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for Rxn-10 probe optics: Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Käyttöohje (BA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Operating Instructions

    • Käyttöohje (BA)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Lyhyt ohje (KA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Lyhyt ohje (KA)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quick start guide for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Lyhyt ohje (KA)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Lyhyt ohje (KA)
    Englanti - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quickstart guide for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • PU (julkaisu)

    Raman application guide for the life science industry - Trusted composition analysis for the life sciences

    • PU (julkaisu)
    Englanti - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    A guide to our Raman spectroscopy application notes for the
    Life Science industry (featuring the Raman Rxn2 analyzer,
    Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-20 probe, Rxn-45 probe,
    Rxn-46 probe, and probe accessory optics (bIO-Optic, Raman single
    use optic system / SUB, immersion optic, non-contact optic).

    • PU (julkaisu)

    Raman calibration and verification kits - Everything needed to calibrate and verify your Raman analyzer system for lab-to-process scalability

    • PU (julkaisu)
    Englanti - 12/2023
    New version available in English

    An overview of the Raman calibration and verification kits for
    the bio multi optic / single use optic and the Raman flow assembly
    (includes the flow bench and flow cell). These kits are to be used in
    conjunction with the Rxn-10 probe and Raman Rxn2 / Rxn4 analyzer
    for upstream and downstream bioprocessing (powered by Kaiser
    Raman technology).

    • PU (julkaisu)

    Lab-to-process monitoring & control in Life Sciences - Reliable measurement of bioprocess physical and chemical properties

    • PU (julkaisu)
    Englanti - 04/2024
    New version available in English

    A combined product list of analysis offerings from both Optical Analysis
    and LIquid Analysis for bioprocessing applications in the life science
    industry (including Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer,
    Rxn-10 probe, bio multi optic and bio sleeve, Raman flow assembly,
    Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, Raman optic system for single use,
    Memosens CPS61E, Memosens COS81E, OUSBT66, Memosens CPS61E,
    Memosens CPS77E, Memosens CLS82E, OUSAF44, Memosens CPS11E,
    Memosens CLS16E, TOC Analyzer CA79, Liquiline transmitter platform, and
    Memobase software).

    • Innovaatio (IN)

    Raman technology in bioprocessing - Scalable in situ bioprocess monitoring enabling advanced process control

    • Innovaatio (IN)
    Englanti - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    An overview brochure about our Raman spectroscopy analyzer
    and probe portfolio, powered by Kaiser Raman technology, for
    the bioprocessing / biopharmaceutical industry (including the
    Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe,
    Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, and probe accessory optics (bIO-Optic,
    Raman single use optic system, bio multi optic with bio sleeve, and
    Raman flow assembly), powered by Kaiser Raman technology.