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Endress+Hauser Denmark celebrates 50th anniversary

For 50 years, Endress+Hauser has provided sales and service support in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, becoming a trusted regional partner.

Julkaisupäivä: 01.07.2024

“We are thrilled to mark this milestone. Over the past 50 years, the market's demands have evolved, and our commitment to delivering innovative solutions and reliable service has remained steadfast. We look forward to continuing our journey with our customers, helping them achieve their goals with our cutting-edge technologies,” says Virpi Varjonen, managing director of Endress+Hauser Denmark.

Endress+Hauser Denmark was founded in 1974 and is currently home to 37 dedicated employees who provide comprehensive support in process instrumentation, system solutions and services for industries such as food & beverage, life science, water & wastewater, power & energy. The office is located in Søborg near Copenhagen.

Endress+Hauser Denmark is on a growth path, having invested in expanding the facility and the workforce to serve the market and customers even better. The company is currently building a new state-of-the-art service and training center and continues to strengthen the service offering and welcoming new talents. “As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to serving our customers with the same passion and innovation that have defined our first 50 years,“ concludes Virpi Varjonen.

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