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Picture of Proline Prosonic Flow clamp-on

Advantages of clamp-on flowmeters in industrial processes

Proline Prosonic Flow W 400 and Prosonic Flow P 500 for noninvasive flow measurement even in limited spaces

When you can't interrupt your process or afford pressure loss, but need a reliable flow measurement that’s where ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters can help. Depending on your requirements, Proline Prosonic Flow W 400 or P 500 is the ideal instrument of choice. Both are mounted noninvasively on the outside of the pipe; need only a minimum of inlet runs and are unaffected by aggressive liquids. Maintenance-free coupling pads ensure a stable measurement over the entire life cycle of the flowmeter.

Picture of e-Brochure cover ©Endress+Hauser

View the ultrasonic clamp-on portfolio e-brochure

How the ultrasonic flow measurement works

Picture of Installation of clamp-on sensor in a hydro power plant ©Endress+Hauser

Installation of a clamp-on sensor on a DN 2000 (80") pipe in a hydro power plant

Picture of flow measurement with FlowDC function ©Endress+Hauser

Flow measurement with two sensor sets and FlowDC function

The ideal solution for your challenge

Would you like to know more about the benefits and the features of our ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters to find the ideal solution for your challenge? The following pages provide you with insights and details about our ultrasonic clamp-on offerings – divided into basic applications like water monitoring and complex applications such as the measurement of liquid hydrocarbons.

  • Helppokäyttöiset tuotteet

  • Helppoja valita, asentaa ja käyttää

Tekninen suorituskyky


  • Standardituotteet

  • Luotettavat, lujatekoiset ja helppoja huoltaa

Tekninen suorituskyky


  • Laadukkaat tuotteet

  • Erinomainen toiminnallisuus

Tekninen suorituskyky


  • Erikoistuotteet

  • Suunniteltu vaativiin sovelluksiin

Tekninen suorituskyky



FLEX-valikoima Tekninen suorituskyky Helppokäyttöisyys
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  • X


Täytä perusmittaustarpeesi

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Käsittele ydinprosessejasi helposti

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Optimoi prosessisi innovatiivisilla teknologioilla

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Hallitse haastavimmatkin sovelluksesi

Tekninen suorituskyky


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