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Bar stock imperial thermometer

iTHERM ModuLine TM152
Industrial modular thermometer

Imperial RTD/TC thermometer with barstock thermowell for a wide range of industrial applications

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Ota yhteyttä Endress+Hauser-myyntikumppaniisi, jos sinulla on kysyttävää.

Tärkeimmät tekniset tiedot

  • Accuracy

    Class AA acc. to IEC 60751
    Class A acc. to IEC 60751
    Class B acc. to IEC 60751
    Class special or standard acc. to ASTM E230
    Class 1 or 2 acc. to IEC 60584-2

  • Response time

    depending on configuration

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    depending on the configuration up to 500 bar

  • Operating temperature range

    PT100 TF iTHERM StrongSens:
    -50 °C ...500 °C
    (-58 °F ...932 °F)
    PT100 TF iTHERM QuickSens:
    -50 °C …200 °C
    (-58 °F …392 °F)
    PT100 WW:
    -200 °C ...600 °C
    (-328 °F ...1.112 °F)
    PT100 basic TF:
    -50 °C ...200 °C
    (-58 °F ...392 °F)
    Typ K:
    max. 1.100 °C
    (max. 2.012 °F)
    Typ J:
    max. 800 °C
    (max. 1.472 °F)
    Typ N:
    max. 1.100 °C
    (max. 2.012 °F)

  • Max. immersion length on request



The modular industrial RTD or TC thermometer iTHERM ModuLine TM152 is complete with barstock thermowell or to be used with onsite thermowell. It is suitable for every application, from basic functionality to high-end performance in the chemical, oil & gas and power & energy industries.

  • For universal use

  • Measuring range: –200 to +1 100 °C (–328 to +2 012 °F)

  • Pressure range: up to 500 bar (7 252 psi)


  • Easy maintenance and recalibration of the thermometer (sensor can be replaced without interrupting the process)

  • Dual Seal technology: second process seal with failure indication offers valuable device health status information

  • iTHERM QuickSens: fastest response times of 1.5 s for optimum process control

  • iTHERM StrongSens: unsurpassed vibration resistance (>60g) for ultimate plant safety

  • iTHERM QuickNeck: cost and time savings thanks to simple, tool-free removal for recalibration

  • International certification: e.g. explosion protection in accordance with ATEX, IECEx, CSA and INMETRO; functional safety (SIL)

  • iTEMP temperature transmitter with all common communication protocols and optional Bluetooth® connectivity


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